Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Is a chimpanzee any less or more responsible for it's actions than a human?

Or must it live it's life subjected to genetically-coded social behaviors and 'rules' , and also cause and effect - in much the same way we do?

Are we simply more complex, or are we simply a different thing altogether?|||We are totally separate from animals. A chimpanzee is not responsible for its actions. Animals have no conscience or no moral code to live by. They don't know any better. They run on pure instinct. Humans on the other hand have a conscience. We have morals and values. We make choices in life. So when we make bad choices or actions, were responsible for them.|||Primates do live according to their own social codes.


"Although morality has always been viewed as a human trait that sets us apart from the animals, it now appears our closest ancestors share the same scruples.

Scientists have that discovered monkeys and apes can make judgements about fairness, offer sympathy and help and remember obligations.

Researchers say the findings may demonstrate morality developed through evolution, a view that is likely to antagonise the devoutly religious, who see it as God-given."|||The laws of nature (God?) apply to all life forms equally.|||Chimps are actions are just that of the the immediate necessity... to eat, mate and social structure. That is all they need, but they can adapt like most other species if the need arises, such as if their surroundings change, then they will react to the best of their ability. But they see limited to what they can actually do, whether that is down to dna or what we dont actually know.

But humans have a to distinct character of pondering, then seeing possibility, acting on this, and analysing the out come, its as if we are inately able to build oneach thing we have down at an incredible speed compared to anything else on this planet. What causes this, we dont know, some call it evolution, others say that god made us this way, either way we do not know,. But for certain we are a species that are able to follow structure or break it, or modify it depending on how it resides and affects us personally.

We have the built in curiousity to look at everything and see what makes it thick and why... and these are the things that grip us, make us who we are, because we are never satisfied with just our surroundings, but with an indepth need to know what our surroundings are, what its entity is made of, how it works. Then once satisfied we go to the next level and so on and so on.... And now we are at the level that we realise that everything is connected one way or the other, and so again we indulge ourselves into the finding the knowing and the how... cos we are insatiable.

This is what makes us different with everything else on this planet, we are not content with just our suroundings but need to know evertything that exists and why|||Atheists are the only monkey species around. Everyone else came from God.

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