Thursday, November 24, 2011

What kind of bird makes a cry or cries like a chimpanzee?

?It, in KY ,I thought it was not likely,though, the bird kept it up 5 minutes and then quit??|||the bird was prob jus moking a sound it had heard before|||Did you happen to notice the offending chimp leaving the scene?|||How do you know it was a bird? My only guess ,if it was a bird, would be a peacock.|||maybe a crazy cockatoo :-)

How do I buy a chimpanzee for a pet?

I'm thinking about purchasing a chimp for a pet.

Do they make good pets?

I have two small children.

I heard they are great with kids and neighbors and easily trainable.|||If you like having your toes and genitals ripped off, yeah chimpanzees make great pets, troll.|||alll of you ppl just STFU and stop your stupid *** answers. IT"S FREAKIN YAHOO ANWSERS! NOT YAHOO NO ONE GIVES A F*** about your stupid opinion. IF YOu DON"T LIKE THE QUESTION THEN DON"T FU**N answer it!

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|||dont buy a chimp!!!!

they are extremely expensive, for a start, but thats not what im worried about. im worried about the innocent life you will waste. (the chimp's, not yours! i couldnt care less about someone who kept a wild animal as a pet!!)

for a chimp to be put into captivity, it usually means their parents were shot for fur and meat and the babies stolen and kept in tiny boxes and shipped across the world.

keeping a chimp as a pet is animal cruelty!!!

no, they do NOT make good pets. its like having toddlers running around and wrecking your house, toddlers that grow very quickly in size but not in maturity... FOR UP TO 30 YEARS.

they are hard to feed safely, because they will eat ANYTHING, pretty much.

they change in mood very quickly, so one minute, you could be having a nice little cuddle, the next minute, your having your hair ripped out and your eyeballs gouged. im not saying chimps are violent, but they are easily provoked.

good with children... where do i start? chimps will grow very quickly, and will soon not realize how strong they are. so, a little playful wrestling match could turn into a broken leg and a few weeks in hospital attached to a machine.

they are relatively easy to train, but can be VERY disobedient.


i am disgusted that a human could be so cruel...if you do get one, i HOPE it wrecks your house and puts you in hospital!!! the only problem would be it could be put down after...

your an ape, how would you like it if i put a nappy on you and kept you in a cage?

i cant even describe how disgusted i am. i wouldnt class someone who would lock up an animal so simliar to myself a human being...


dont be so cruel

DONT BUY A CHIMP, FOR ITS SAKE AND YOUR HUMANITY!!!!!|||They're trying to pass a bill outlawing keeping monkeys as pets because it's not right to keep them as pets. They're wild animals and you can keep them for years and they'll still go crazy on you and rip your face off. It's not fair to keep a wild animal in the captivity of a home. They are not like dogs or cats, you can't train their natural instincts out of them.|||Don't buy a chimpanzee as a pet. Especially if you have children. You have to keep in mind they are wild animals.|||it really makes me sick KEEP ENDANGERED ANIMALS IN THE WILD why don't you adopt one instead|||Yeah one killed somebody yesterday or something like that.|||Chimpanzees are wild animals. They deserve to live free! Not cooped up in a home or cage.|||Being an ape yourself, I should think you'd know just how to go about it already.|||Yeahh sure, providing of course you no longer want your kids. (:|||Yeah good one.

Obviously you are trying to get a rise out of everyone.|||Very funny, you must be bored.|||Is this a joke?

What is more intelligent - a chimpanzee or a dolphin?

I was just wandering this, both are known for being quite intelligent when compared to other animals, but I was just wandering which species come out on top when put side by side?|||The Dolphin.

It has become widely accepted that dolphins are highly intelligent animals and this is what fascinates many people about dolphins.

Intelligence itself is hard thing to measure and knowledge about cognitive capabilities of the dolphin brain and dolphin intelligence is still limited. A number of different approaches have been adopted to try and quantify the intelligence of dolphins, whales and other marine animals but it should be noted that there are many different species of dolphin and we should be careful about making generalisations- differences between dolphin species may be as marked as differences between humans and the great apes.

Knowledge about the capabilities of the dolphin brain is limited because of major research difficulties. Research of cetacean behaviour in the wild is among the most expensive and difficult to carry out, owing to the nature of the environment they inhabit. There have therefore been relatively few scientific studies of dolphins in the wild, and most direct observations are anecdotal. Studies based on captive dolphins have limits, because it is not clear how natural their behaviour is under those conditions.

One method that has been employed is the ease with which an animal can be trained. Dolphins and killer whales that learn tricks could be said to have intellect. The problem with assessing intelligence in this way is that we only have a human perspective. Tests on dolphins (or any other creature) are carried out to measure responses or reactions, which can be compared to humans. Using this method it would also follow that dogs should be more intelligent than cats! Therefore these experimental results are biased by the technique used, and may not accurately measure the original criteria of intelligence at all.

Brain Size and Mass

Some attempts to resolve the issue of dolphin intelligence have focused on various indicators concerning the size of the dolphin's brain.The pictures below show the comparative brains of a human, dolphin and cow.

The human brain is typically 3 times heavier than that of a cow, while sperm whales have brains more than five times the size of a human. As a percentage of body weight the human brain accounts for 2.1% and the bottlenose dolphin 0.94% however brain size alone does not signify intelligence.

The relationship between brain mass and intelligence is a shaky one, at best. Cognitive ability, according to most scientists, is dependent on the quantity and quality of connections between brain cells, and not on mere brain mass. Research into the human brain has revealed that the development of the cerebral cortex is also an important factor. This is where analysis of sensory information takes place and conscious responses to stimuli originate. The cerebral hemispheres in human and dolphins are both large and posses convoluted folding.

However, the cerebral cortex is much thinner in dolphins than in humans and more closely resembles those found in cows and sheep. Whilst studies of dolphin brains have shown that they are less developed than a human brain they are more developed than other mammals such as chimpanzees, although there are parallels in the organization of dolphin and primate brains.

Most dolphin species have brains that are roughly equal in weight to the average human brain: for example, the average human brain weighs 1300-1400 grams, while the average bottlenose dolphin brain weighs 1500-1600 grams. Chimpanzee brains by contrast are only 400 grams.

However, many researchers believe that brain mass of itself is a poor measure because it makes no allowances for body size.

Negative evidence against dolphins being as intelligent as humans is the fact that the dolphin brain to body ratio is less than half that of humans on average, however a bottlenose dolphin is second only to humans in the ratio of brain size to body size. It is not clear that direct comparisons of species that occupy such different habitats is appropriate, given these differing habitats make hugely different demands on bodily functionality. For instance, cetaceans have a high percentage of body weight in blubber, which principally helps them deal with the effects of water temperature. In the case of bottle-nosed dolphins blubber takes up 18-20% of body weight.

Other researchers have asserted that an important measure is the size and complexity of brain at birth. This is an extremely positive indicator for dolphin intelligence. Bottlenose dolphins begin life with very large brains: at birth they have a brain mass that is 42.5% of an adult human's brain mass, in comparison with humans, who at birth have 25% of adult brain mass. By eighteen months, the brain mass of Bottle-nosed dolphins is roughly 80% of that of an adult human. Human beings generally do not achieve this figure until the age of three or four.

The true value of various comparisons of brain mass between dolphins and human is debatable. Comparisons of humans to closely related species like the Great Apes would seem appropriate, since our original habitats and thus bodily functionality are very similar. However, one needs to be careful of directly comparing a land based species and water based species, because their habitats make hugely differing demands. It should be noted, however, that no other species seems to compare so favorably with humans across the indicators of pure brain mass, brain to body ratio, and comparative percentage of size at birth.


The ability to possess self-awareness shows a highly developed abstract thinking. Self-awareness is the precursor to more advanced processes like meta-cognitive reasoning (thinking about thinking) that are typical of humans. Scientific research into self-awareness has suggested that Bottlenose Dolphins possess self-awareness. Dolphins differ markedly so an assessment can not be made for all species, some of which have much smaller brain sizes and presumably different structures.

The standard test for self-awareness in animals is the mirror test, developed by Gallup in the seventies, in which a temporary dye is placed on an animal's body, and the animal is then presented with a mirror. Most animals react to a mirror as if it is another animal. However, like great apes, dolphins have been shown to recognise the mirror image as themselves, by examining the marking on their body. Evidence for mirror recognition by dolphins was anecdotal until the nineties, but the scientific studies carried out by researchers Marten and Psarakos (1994, 1995) and Reiss and Marino (1998) confirmed it.

Some scientists still disagree with these findings arguing that the results of these tests are open to human interpretation. This test is far less definitive than when used for primates because primates can touch the mark or the mirror, while dolphins cannot, making their alleged self-recognition behaviour less clear. Critics argue that behaviours that are said to identify self-awareness resemble existing social behaviours, and so researchers could be mislabelling social responses to another dolphin. The researchers counterargue that the behaviours shown to evidence self awareness are very different to normal responses to another dolphin, including paying significantly more attention to another dolphin than towards their mirror image. Dr. Gallup called the results "the most suggestive evidence to date" of mirror self-recognition in dolphins, but "not definitive" because he was not entirely clear that the dolphins were not interpreting the image in the mirror as another animal.

Differences from other mammalian brains

Although dolphins are themselves mammals, their brains are constructed and act differently than those of most mammals. Unlike most mammalian brains, which have six neocortical layers, dolphins have five. While most sleeping mammals go through a stage known as REM sleep, dolphin studies have not shown any brain wave patterns associated with REM sleep. Unlike terrestrial mammals, dolphin brains contain a paralimbic lobe, which may possibly be used for sensory processing.

Dolphin brain stem transmission time is faster than that normally found in humans, and is roughly equivalent to the speed found in rats. As echo-location is the dolphin's primary means of sensing its environment (comparable to eyes in primates) and since sound travels four and a half times faster in water than in air, scientists speculate that the faster brain stem transmission time, and perhaps the paralimbic lobe as well, support speedy processing of sound. The dolphin's dependence on speedy sound processing is evident in the structure of its brain: its neural area devoted to visual imaging is only about one-tenth that of the human brain, while the area devoted to acoustical imaging is about 10 times that of the human brain. (Which is unsurprising: primate brains devote far more volume to visual processing than almost any other animals, and human brains more than other primates.)

The question remains "what is meant by intelligence?" and how can human concepts of intelligence be applied to an animal that lives in a medium so different to our own?

In its broadest sense intelligence is said to imply some comprehension of cause and effect i.e. the ability to think and often involves the mutual conveyance of information i.e. communication. Some species have demonstrated a greater capacity to learn than others and some are more resourceful. Some researchers say that in our enthusiasm to animate dolphins, we give them powers they just don't possess. A closer look suggests that much of the dolphin's large brain is taken up with echolocation and handling acoustical information processes at which they excel. But dolphins tend to rank at about the level of elephants in some "intelligence" tests and haven't shown any unusual talent at problem solving. They are excellent mimics of sounds and clearly communicate with one another, but does that mean they "talk?" No one less than Aristotle once wrote, "The voice of the dolphin in the air is like that of the human in that they can pronounce vowels and combinations of vowels, but have difficulties with the consonants." But a more scientific analysis of dolphin sounds suggests that for all their communication skills, dolphins lack the repertoire to have anything approaching language as we know it.

Dolphins are capable of communication with each other.|||Well I've yet to see a dolphin climb a tree or a chimp evade a shark so both are, in their respective domains.|||a dolphin|||dolphine. if they could menipulate their surrounds, ie if they had hands like we do, they would have created civilisation by now.

Chimpanzees do have hands like us, but they havnt.|||A chimp|||in studies of intelligence of both species they have determined that chimps have the intelligence of a 2 year old human. They say dolphins are just as intelligent or possibly more so but they are very hard to test for intelligence since their environment is so different than ours, meaning their perceptions are very different than ours.|||That is a difficult question to answer. let's just say, for one, it is rather difficult to quantify intelligence, and two, it is difficult to measure degrees of intelligence in the two respective species. However, there are some indidcations that in case of dolphin and chimpanzee we may be dealing with a case of evolutionary convergence. Gallup showed in the early 1970s that chimpanzees are able to recognize themselves in a mirror. This self-recognition many have interpreted as a degree of self-awareness and self-consciousness. Since monkeys were not able to do the same, while other apes were, it has been suggested that the transition from monkey to ape marks a discrete cognitive step in evolution. However, recently two researchers working on bottlenose dolphin found that dolphins likewise are able to recognize themselves in mirror images. It seems that dolphins, which have branched off quite a different lineage than apes may actually show a similar cognitive evolutionary step as the apes.

This of course does not fully answer your question, but it suggests that both animals have evolved a fairly high degree of intelligence.

Hope this helps.|||One can swim and can communicate to humans - the other can be elected president of the USA. ---- I'm going for the dolphin.|||chimpanzee|||Speakins as a chimp, housed as I am in a nice little apehouse at Monkeyworld in rural Dorset. I think we are more intelligent, and would argue thus.

I have an active internet connection and use this valuable resource to extend my learning and education. In the great words of some king or other. "Shoo Bee Do, I...want to be like you"

I have learned some sign language and can tell one of the screws here to get me food or I'll go ape.. (probably the irony of this escapes humans, but let me assure you, its the height of humor here)

I like to watch dolphins but, to my limited knowledge, a dolphin has yet to watch a great ape (and we ARE great!) with anything other than a passing interest.

I like a varied diet of fresh vegatables, muller fruit corner and tea, whereas a dolphin feeds on fish and nothing else.

I had my own removal firm until the crash in the late eighties.

I use my own feaces as ammunition.

I taught Jonnie Morris how to ride a bike.|||Chimpanzees have a more human-like intelligence, and that's how we're defining intelligence.|||hi there

It's the CHIMPANZEE. now dats coz it obviously came much later than the dolphin according to the evolutionary theory and as a matter of fact, organisms that came later are more evolved and hence more intelligent.


dee|||I'd say dolphin, but intelligence in animals is really hard to measure, they are highly intelligent in their own ways, and highly suited to their own environments...

As far as chimps being "more" evolved... Just because they came later doesn't mean they are "more" or "less" evolved. Evolutionary success is dependant on how well suited they are to their environment, not how recently they came about. In my opinion the "most evolved" animals are the crocodilians. They are SO well suited to their environment that they have survived virtually unchanged since the age of the dinosaurs, about 220 million years ago (and actually, I find crocodiles to be rather intelligent as well).|||dolphins, coz chimps cant swim

Is the footage of Rick Swope rescuing Jo-Jo the chimpanzee online anywhere?

A tale Jane Goodall often tells in her lectures. Apparently a woman recorded it on a camcorder and it was broadcast on the news that night.

Would be amazing to see it, it must be somewhere surely?

Thanks in advance!|||I couldn't find it anywhere online.

Try emailing Jane Goodall Institute at %26lt;;. They might know if this footage is available.

Am I allowed to go to Africa and get myself some chimpanzee slaves?

I heard that chimpanzees are not protected under Law from slavery, and they are quite intelligent, able to understand commands and perform simple household tasks.|||....................../麓炉/)... ........

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***** all racists*

.............................. ...........

*And Nazis*|||No because nspca will find something wrong with it even though it is a pretty sweet idea.|||What kind of *** makes a chimpanzee their slave. Seriously man, grow up.|||thats horrible. dont be stupid.|||no....there are animal protective leagues to keep this from happening.|||wow your a load of s.h.i.t and reported!|||you should just get married to one. you'd be perfectly compatible|||You can't get chimpanzee slaves because that's animal cruelty.|||no because they would say animal cruelty unless you had a disability then you might get one like they do dogs|||chimps are animals and only people are protected from slavery. chimps sometimes are bad tempered and are much stronger than the average human. i wouldn't try it.|||I think your better off eating your d@mn dogs china man.|||You sound like a troll. Leave the chimpanzees alone, they did nothing to you =D.

How do i get a permit to have a chimpanzee?

I would like to adopt a chimp, how old do you have to be?|||That is a terrible idea....

Almost all of the chimpanzees you see in the movies, on television, and in advertisements are babies. Because of their infantile appeal many people think they would like to have a chimpanzee as a pet. But, there are many reasons why this is not a good idea.

First, baby chimpanzees belong with their mothers. Every baby chimp you see on television has been taken from its mother and raised by humans. Like us, chimpanzees experience a long childhood and are not considered adult until 13 - 15 years of age. During this long apprenticeship with their mothers and siblings, chimpanzees learn about being chimpanzees. They learn the subtle and complex communication system that consists of facial expressions, gestures, and vocalizations. They also learn the rules of chimpanzees behavior.

While chimpanzees are adorable as babies, they soon outgrow their appeal. By the age of three, a baby chimp is as strong as an adult human. This makes keeping them in the house, as a member of the family, very difficult, as they are so destructive. And, they have minds of their own. For instance, if they want to raid the refrigerator and empty its contents, it is very hard to stop them. As a result, the chimp spends much of its day in a cage.

As chimpanzees reach puberty, starting at the age of about eight, they are usually no longer safe to handle. (That is why the chimpanzees you see in the media are babies.) They are well on their way to their adult weight which can be as much as 150 pounds. At this age, they are usually condemned to live in a cage, alone, for the rest of their lives. Since chimpanzees can live to be 50 years old, they can spend the majority of their lives paying for their infantile appeal.

Sometimes, as the chimp matures, a pet owner may send the chimp to live with other chimpanzees. When human raised chimps, who have been denied the long learning process with their mothers, meet other chimpanzees for the first time, there is a long and sometimes painful transition, as the chimp has to learn the rules of behavior.

Keeping a chimpanzee as a pet is not a rewarding experience for the chimp or the people. It is a journey that begins with the separation of the baby from its mother and often ends with the chimp in solitary confinement for over 40 years.|||You have to be an adult. You have to have a reason (other than "I want one"). Like knowing specific chimp individuals that are in limbo and cannot be released into the wild and need a caretaker. And unless you have experience and training, you're not likely to be allowed to have one.

Chimps do NOT make good "pets".|||Having a permit to posess an exotic animal such as a chimp requires a whole lot of things.

First you must be over 21, you have to pass several state requirements (depending on what state youre in, as most states prohibit any chimps to be kept in anything less than a very secure cage and you must be able to demonstrate your experience to handle this creature.

When they are mature, they frequently overcome their handlers and kill them or do horrible damage, they become extremely difficult to handle.... unless they are placed in a special refuge for animals who are no longer safe among humans.

As adults, they are all going to have to be given up to a refuge as sooner or later they ALL turn on their owners. Chimps do NOT belong in any persons' home. EVER. They are stronger than bears, and less reasonable when they want something, and youre not giving it to them you are in MORTAL DANGER!

Forget about this crack-pot idea and get a dog.|||I understand why you want to have a primate for a pet, but it's a bad idea all around.

It's harder than taking care of a baby and it's a 24/7 job.

Please think it over. Non-human primates will destroy your house, throw stuff, fling poop and touch themselves inappropriately in front of company. They make your house smell bad too. You cannot leave them alone and surely you are not planning on caging the poor thing. It's like having a toddler on steroids in the house. They do become quite hard to manage once they reach adolescence.

Here's a web site for you to check out. Please read Articles/Info and Testimonials and look at the PowerPoint presentation.

Some of the pictures are not easy to look at, but they're real.

Think it over, please. Maybe you can volunteer to work with animals somewhere. That way you can still spend time with them without having the responsibility of having to take them home.

Good luck to you.

How would you compare Chimpanzee to Humans?

How are we alike? We things do we have n common?|||We have lots of things in common- I'll just copy and paste from another answer I gave to a similar question:

Highly mobile digits and opposable thumbs

tactile pads and nails (instead of claws)

abbreviated (shortened) snout

binocular vision

reduced sense of smell

fewer teeth than other mammals

more convolutions in the brain and an increasingly complex brain in relation to other mammals

placental pregnancies

as for behavioral- well if you observe chimps you will see that they are curious, they can solve problems, they nurture their young for extended periods, and they have an identifiable social hierarchy and unique culture, just like we do.|||We're both species of ape. So everything that all apes have in common we have in common with chimps.|||first to anthony, chimps do go to war

chimps also use tools and have a vocabulary of about 30 sounds or words.|||i wouldn't humans are to special to be compared to a chimp|||they tell us we are extremely close - like 98% but I still don't understand why we can't interbreed - not that I want to do it.|||They like to sit around watch tv and eat and get fat like us.|||we share 98 percent of our genetics with them.|||we have eyes :))|||No comparison ! Chimpanzees don't go to war and kill each other .

How many chromosomes would there be in a chimpanzee's nerve or bone cells if their skin cells have 48?

Please tell me how you found this out. Thanks.|||All cells in an animal should have the same amount of chromosomes. They all came from the same begins, their zygote. Since the skin cells have 48 chromosomes, then the nerve and bone cells must have 48 as well. However, their sex cells, like sperm (male) or egg (female) have only 24 chromosomes because these cells unite to form one cell, the zygote.|||48, the all the body's cells have the same number chromosomes except the sex cells.|||48

How can I learn to fight like a chimpanzee?

Imagine if you could fight like a chimp and rip peoples faces off?|||There are monkey kungfu techniques that resemble chimpanzee fighting.

How hard is it to teach a chimpanzee how to ride a bicycle?

Since they have better agility and balance than humans I wonder if it takes them less time.|||Well, for one thing a chimp wouldn't fit on a bike because their legs are too short and their arms are too long. It would have to be a custom made bike.

For another thing, they don't understand the concept of a wheel or pedals or anything mechanical, and they can't understand English, so it would be pretty hard to explain the whole idea.. So my guess is that you would have a lot harder time teaching a chimp to ride a bike than normal ten year old kid.|||I hope this is a purely hypothetical question, since no one should ever attempt to teach a chimpanzee to ride a bicycle. Our closest relatives deserve to be treated and presented with more dignity than that. If one is truly interested in learning about chimpanzees, there is an infinite number of more suitable questions that could be posed.

How many chromosomes do a banana, chimpanzee and shark have?

Banana: 11鈥?/a>

Chimp: 24鈥?/a>

In case of shark really need to know an exact species

What is your reaction when that chimpanzee attacked that Connecticut women and then shot to death?

I was devastated to hear about it. The woman was crying for losing her beloved chimpanzee. It had mouled her friend, sent her to the hospital in critical condition, along with severing her hands. I feel bad for the owner, along with the victim. Any animal by that chance to me, can strike. Example: The most well trained dog, can attack anyone for any or no reason. I have seen it myself. Yes, she was educated about chimps(obviously owning it for 14 years) and she should of known the disadvantages of owning such a power full animal. I own snakes, they are dog tame, but do bite me once in a while. Not when they are going through sheds, startled, nor hungry. Why? Because they are, and were wild animals. Animals are animals. I treat my 3 dogs(a purebred American Pit Bull Terrier, and 2 purebred German Shepherds)like dogs, because that is what they are. Treating them like humans is just asking for an ill manored dog. That can lead to aggression. My heart goes out to the woman had been mouled, and also to the owner.

The monkey was all she had.

I think exotic pets should be kept in captivity, not pets. If pets, they should be ready for what they are getting into, and should be prepared.|||

That website is the trust fund going to the woman who got attacked by the chimpanzee. Please visit if you have the chance

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|||Well I am in the Stamford area where it happened and I am shocked I didnt't even know that we had a chimp living in my town. I don't think it is the chimpanzee's fault he is an animal and as much as you try to make animals humans they are not. I don't feel that he should have been shot and it is quite weird that the owner in her 911 call said to shoot the chimpanzee. I think there is more to this story that will be coming out soon. I mean the chimp was served wine and even was on Xanax there something more we don't know. I do feel for the woman who was attacked and hope she will be able to have a healthy life after this attack.|||My first response was shock that a chimpanzee could weigh 200 lbs. That's the size of a gorilla.

My next response was sympathy for the woman attacked. I know the damage that can be done by ape attacks. They go for the eyes, the nose. I'm sure she will be scarred for life.

Last, When an animal of this type shows signs of aggression, they need to be removed from home settings. If you think that's cruel to the animal, then put them down. Just because the chimp can dress his self, use the toilet, and whatever, doesn't mean it can't be dangerous. Those actions are simply tricks.|||~~It's so sad. The chimp was being treated for Lymes Disease, and they fear it may have had an adverse effect from the medication. It was such a well loved, smart, and trusted pet, it must be horrific for the owners. Not only was their friend tragically maimed, but they lost their beloved pet besides. I guess the truth is at a certain point, people aren't meant to live with wild animals.~~|||I couldn't believe the stupidity of someone actually

having a 200 lb. monkey walking around loose. They

may look cute but if you know anything about them,

they are very violent and dangerous animals.

The owner should be considered responsible and sent

to jail for the rest of their life.|||i was disturbed, but not suprised. chimpanzees can get very violent, the officer had no choice but to defend himself. anyone would do the same! as for the owner, she should be held accountable to some extent because a wild animal doesn't need to be in a home eating, sleeping, etc with a human.|||i feel so sad for everyone involved. this is what happens when we take animals into our homes that should never be there. i heard the 911 tape on the news and was horrified at the fear in the woman's voice. my prayers are with her and her poor friend that was so badly hurt. it was just a bad bad situation that had spun horribly out of control.|||Why can't people realize that you can't tame a wild animal. The animal may act as though it has been trained and tamed, but it's instincts still tell it that it is a wild animal.

The poor animal didn't know any better, the human was supposed to know better.|||People really shouldn't try to treat animals like humans, it just doesn't work in the long run..

Many people are bitten by their own dogs, and dogs have a long history of being domesticated..|||I never knew Chimps could get to be 200 pounds. He should've attacked his owner.|||horrified at first; then very sad for everyone involved.|||same what the first person said

If you got to choose your nearest relative, would you choose a chimpanzee or a deity?

I personally am going for the primate grouping. Too much responsibility going the other way. Who needs that?|||Primate grouping.|||The good thing about the chimp choice is humans can rule themselves over a god ruling them. From what I've seen, humans have a better sense of morality than any god from any book.

I'd prefer to be closely related to cats or dogs though, but I guess that won't happen. :/|||Well, at least those of us descended from apes have climbed the evolutionary ladder while those descended from deity have fallen far short of their sires.|||Chimps have that nasty face eating problem so this disqualifies them for me.|||..

What is your opinion about the chimpanzee attack?

You know, the one that happened on Monday in CT.|||How weird I just asked the same question! A few minutes ago too!

I'm not sure whether to feel sorry for the owner or be glad for the victim. Apparently the chimpanzee had some kind of drug, I think, that made it act weird. How did the chimpanzee get it? It might be possible to blame the owner for the accident. I didn't really feel like the chimp needed to be shot so many times after already being stabbed.|||They have been playing the 911 call on the radio , that was messed up .

then i was thinking the chimp was 200lbs , why would you have it as a pet . Its a wild animal there is no taming them . 200lbs is huge for a chimp why not turn it over to a zoo after it reached 100lbs|||Its crazy! I understand it though 'cause my sister had a dog that was the sweetest, calmest dog you could ever imagine and then one day out of blue it savagely attacked my sister's granddaughter.|||so shocking...... that chimpanzee deserves to die|||im totally shocked by this information|||STUPID IDIOT PEOPLE TREATING WILD ANIMALS LIKE THEIR BABIES...******* DUMB ASSHOLES!!!|||Never give chimps drinks laced with Xanex. What did they expect would happen when they did that?

Is there any possible way to adopt and take home a chimpanzee in australia?

I understand this is able to be done in america but can it be done in australia and if so how do i go about it?|||No. Private ownership of chimps is banned in every part of AU with one exception. Owners of chimps in NSW can keep them as long as they were licensed before bans were imposed, but cannot sell or transfer them to anyone else - unless that person already holds a license. In 1996 there were only 40 license holders - today there are far less. It is predicted that eventually there will be none.|||Are you aware that adult chimps are quite dangerous, even if raised by humans?|||Chimpanzees are endangered cannot have one as a pet. Apes and monkeys are NOT suitable pets, and can be dangerous. Any people having pets chimps in the US acquired them many years ago before they were endangered and when laws were much different. Recently people with these pets have had them confiscated and put into wildlife sanctuaries.|||How on earth are you going to safely and humanely care for an aggressive wild animal that is approximately seven times stronger than you, is arguably the second most intelligent animal on earth, can transmit deadly diseases to you, and whose most basic needs include a social group of his/her own species?

Answer this first. Then we'll talk.


Further comments...

Chimpanzees end up in wildlife sanctuaries because they are not suitable pets. Responsible sanctuaries do not place chimpanzees in "foster homes" because they know that is not an appropriate environment in which to house a chimpanzee.

Any "breeder" who supplies animals to zoos and circuses is someone to be avoided.

Virtually all "pet" chimpanzees get discarded by the age of six. It makes much more sense not to get one in the first place.

No primate of any sort is suitable as a pet.

Who is stronger- the strongest human on earth or an average chimpanzee?

Who could win in a deadlifting contest?

Also, how many times stronger is a male gorilla than a male human being?

Note: I picked these two creatures (chimps and humans) because they are somewhat genetically similar.|||when it comes to just weight-lifting, the strongest human ever can lift a little more than the average chimp. when it comes to deadlift, it won't take the strongest human ever; chimps can't do a deadlift because their bodies aren't designed to do it

The strength of a silverback gorilla has never been measured, but it should be sufficient to say that anecdotal evidence of animals observed almost casually bending and snapping objects such as tempered steel bars (2 inches thick) and giant bamboo stalks, suggest that the gorilla has the muscle power of between 8-15 men and possibly more.|||chimpanzee's are not strong, just give them some xanax and cuddle with them. they wont rip off your face. its not like the average chimp has the strength of 4 men or .

What's the thing in a chimpanzee brain that (a human brain doesn't have) that makes it a wild undomestic?

animal since a chimpanzee brain is very simialar to a human brain|||The species is "wild %26amp; undomestic*CATED* because it wasn't selectively bred %26amp; culled like DOMESTICATED species were %26amp; are.

The chimp brain is NOT "very similar"!

Besides being only a TENTH the size,it lacks numerous COGNITIVE parts.|||It isn't what the Chimp brain doesn't have, it's what human brain does have.

How can you rent a chimpanzee in Australia?

I want it to be sweet and gentle yet fun!|||You can't, it's illegal. And what sort of fun are you expecting from a chimpanzee?|||Same place you rent elephants, tigers and hippopotami. Almost anywhere you can rent the rest of Australia's native animals..|||Um that is so not legal?????

You can't rent a chimpanzee( Let alone a sweet and gentle one)|||yellow pages under rent a chimp

stupidest question of the day SO FAR|||a sweet, gentle and fun chimp lol good luck with that, theyre crazy!

Can a professional weight lifter win a fight against a Chimpanzee?

I heard Chimps are four-times stronger then a average man, but those professional weight lifters must be at least that strong. Who would win?|||The Chimpanzee with ease could kill an adult man. This is no joke a Chimpanzee will f@ck you up. Not something to play with or tease in anyway what so ever. Professional or not, your going down. Aside from their pure strength their speed would be inescapable. I would bet if a professional athlete punched a angry Chimp it wouldn't even feel it.

I know you've heard about the woman who was recently attacked but there have been others. The creepiest thing of all to me is that Chimpanzee's specifically go for the head and face. Ripping ears off, biting noses and lips off. Completely maiming and disfiguring their victims. It' happened many times and its just the grossest thing ever.|||No.

Well, not against a full grown 200 plb chimp. A 150 plb chimp can easily rip an average man's arm off. When chimps attack, they are looking to kill because it's their nature. Not just beat someone up. A man, no matter how strong will never be able to beat a grown chimp.|||The ape will win hands down. They also have canine teeth a few inches long.

If a chimpanzee has the strength of 10 men and the average retard has the strength of two men,?

would a retarded chimpanzee have the strength of 20 men? Or is in not proportionally linear?|||well a chimpanzee doesn't have the strength of 10 men. and a retard doenst have the strength of two men, they just seem like it because they are less susceptible to letting pain and/or fear slow them down in a conflict/situation that requires the use of strength.

but for the sake of your question, a retarded chimpanzee wouldnt be any stronger than a regular chimp because most chimps' feral instincts take over anyway.

Lets look at a few examples:

Example A:

A man is attacked by a retard who tries to kill him. The man is strong, but knows that if he hurts a retard it could ruin his reputation. He also isn't used to being violently attacked, so he is slower to react and is cautious about using all his strength because his brain is stil trying assess the situation.

Now the retard is attacking the man in a blind fury of retard rage. He has no regard for fear or pain. All the retard wants to do is destroy the man in any way possible. His lack of feeling and emotion, combined with his rush of adrenaline, makes him appear stronger than the average man during this conflict. However, under calm, controlled cirumstances, the man would be able to outperform the retard in all events that require strength.

Example B:

A chimp is attacked by a retard chimp. The regular chimp's animal insticts instantly kick in, sending him into a wild rage similar to that of the retarded human. He has no fear, for he is hell bent on prtoecting his pride, territory, (baby chimps in the case of a female), etc. The retarded chimp also has no fear or emotions to slow him down, but this doesnt give him any advantage because he is essentially fighting a wild, feral animal, which behaves much like a retard. The regular chimp would likely win because he has quicker reflexes and better focus.|||Its the narrow minded thinking of Men (and I use that term loosely) like DE that stop progression ..

thank you for having the deep insight to ask such a question ...

The answer to your insightful question is ... no ... everyone knows the helmet is the key to the retards strength ... so unless the Chimp is wearing a helmet ... he doesn't gain the benefit ...|||A chimp has roughly the strength of 4 men, not 10. "Retards", whether human or chimp, don't necessarily have any more strength than anyone else.|||that's hilarious. that's the best thing i've read here in weeks. i always like y/a for the intellectual stimulation.|||DUNNO|||It means that it would take five of you to match a chimpanzee's strength.|||So if Corky from The Wonder Years and Crissy had a baby it would have the strength of 20?|||It will still be retarded like this question.|||chuck norris would have the strength of chuck norris

Biology of breeding horse and donkey similar to HUMAN and chimpanzee?

If other species can breed and make offspring (like horse and donkey to get a mule), why can't a human breed with a chimp? Hypothetically of course.|||It's been tried. It didn't work.

Back in the 1930s, Stalin became interested in the idea. Hybrid human/chimp soldiers would have been an advantage. He ordered scientists to set up a program to attempt such crossings. Short answer: It didn't work.

Today's ethics prohibit such research. With Stalin, when women refused to participate the team attempted to fertilize them without their knowledge. Another issue is carrying such a hybrid to term. Implantation of a fertilized egg doesn't happen to to the species differences. There's also the immune system (look up the Rh factor in blood) Finally there's the chromosome differences. It's different between the two species, humans having fused to chromosomes into on.

While much is made of the close kinship with chimpanzee (the estimates range from 99% to 96%) It's good to also consider the variation in the human species. There .01% variation in the DNA of humans. Consider how different humans look with .01 difference and you start to see why human/ape hybrid are unlikely.|||A simple way to look at it is; a horse, a donkey and a chimp are all animals, and a human is a human, totally and utterly different, despite the closeness of DNA with the chimp. The former three are all referred to as "its", while the human is referred to as "him" ;-).|||No, chimps and humans are not close enough (different species and different genera).

Its more like between common and pygmy (bonobo) chimpanzees (both genus Pan) or between homo sapiens and most recent Neanderthal (genus Homo).

Bonobo-chimps hybrids have been reported in circus I don't know if they are fertile or not like a mule.

Recent (30 - 40,000 years) sapiens-Neanderthals presumed hybrids look sickly or dead at a young age.

Having said that, you do what ever you want with your chimp, that doesn't concern us.

@ Kristen

Different numbers of chromosome pairs is not an absolute barrier to hybridization. Human big chromosome #2 is the end-to-end fusion of 2 apes chromosomes, so they could fit.

For example, Mongolian horses (33 pairs) are interfertile with other horses (32 pairs) and produce semi-fertile offspring.

But you're right, all experiments of human chimpanzee hybridization failed.|||Yes the biology is similar but it is a matter of genetic distance.

Horses and donkeys separated from their common ancestor about 3 million years ago, chimpanzees and humans separated from their common ancestor about 6 million years ago so the species have a much greater genetic distance between them which would imply that fertilisation is not possible.

The 1930's experiments give us no real absolute indication of potential species interfertility because when they were carried out it was not even possible to perform in vitro fertilisation between humans so what could not be done them could be possible today, however ethics considerations would not allow such research to take place.|||Can't be done. There has to be a chromosome match for viable offspring. Between Chimps and Humans there is no match.

Clearly, there was between Humans and Neanderthals.

They estimate a separation of about one million years for the two to diverge enough to stop the match. Evidently the 300,000 years which separated us from them, wasn't enough to cause a miss-match because not only did we produce viable offspring with the Neanderthals, we still have 4.5% Neanderthal DNA in modern Humans. A legacy of the time we spent along-side them.|||Impossible. Humans have 46 chromosomes. Chimpanzees have 48 chromosomes. Therefore, the chromosones can't pair up correctly and create a fetus.|||We have different numbers of chromosome pairs, so "breeding" with chimpanzees would not work.

How do you fight chimpanzee style? What exactlty do they do to each other when they fight?

I hear they fight alot and get good at it!|||First you got to learn to empty your bowls at will.

I'm talking about poop, urnine, ect ect

Then when youve mastered this learn the quick draw meathod. A diaper would help .

You can get those adult dipers nears the pads and condom section at walmart.

Work on your aim and precision.

Work your way up to become the poop flinging master.

Good luck.


(This is all a joke if you havent noticed)|||You fight chimpanzee style with gorilla banana style Muay Thai

check the video link below to get a free banana to feed the chimpanzee style kung fu

also available would be anti bacterial infection shield...and biological fighting method|||I think they teach banana technique|||When you do it chimpanzee style, you fling poop at them. nuff said

What are the proximate and ultimate causes for a chimpanzee screeching when a predator is near?

Ultimate causes could be to alert the other chimps, and Proximate could be they learned from imitation... but I'm not sure.. More ideas?|||It's known that loud noises sometimes scares predators away. Humans have waved their arms and screamed as loud as they could to deter lions, leopard, etc. With leopards it doesn't always work since they hunt babboons and chimpz which are quite vocal primates.

Ultimately, yes, it's a warning signal to others, but also a deterrant.

Obviously imitation is also a factor to consider, it's basically part of their 'language'.

Fear shouldn't be ruled out, it's something most primates do when they are threatened, even some antelope utters cries of fear.

I hope this helps.

What part of Africa did the human and chimpanzee common ancestor come from?

I am thinking it came near the rainforested area in West Africa that chimps today live but I am not sure.|||Early lineages for humans are found in the Afar triangle where Ethiopia is today. This region is where we find with many hominid fossils of the Pliocene is also a region with many shorelines and a widely fluctuating climate in the critical period. This region with the changing habitat offered new niches to by occupied.鈥?/a>

Ardipithecus fossils;q=cach鈥?/a>

Rift Valley lake fish %26amp; encephalization鈥?/a>

"Shallow-water habitats as sources of fallback foods for hominins"鈥?/a>

If the chimpanzee is closest genetically what is the farthest?

It should be found somewhere among stuff like bacteria and the like. I can't be more detailed than that, as I'm not well versed with such things.

Then again, if you restrict the question to mammals, then it's a tie between the platypus and its echidna cousins.|||All of the Eubacteria (not Archea) tie for most distant relative of our species.|||virii.|||Oh my poor brainwashed friend. Have they gotten to the part where aliens are our closest kin!! That would mean aliens from the other side are the farthest away. Your worshiping of time is disheartening!

Is it possible to train gorilla or chimpanzee to use firearms?

How good is their finger dexterity? Do you need to mod the grips and triggers for their hands?|||Pulling the trigger would be the easy part, I'd be more concerned with thier aim. |||dido but training would take time reward them when they do good, etc. HMMM Are you in some elaborate plot to take over a small country with an army of crazed inaccurate shooting monkeys?

What is the environmental role of a chimpanzee?

How can a chimp effect humans(positive or negative) and what are their roles in the environment?|||Like many primates, they help disperse the seeds of the fruits they eat, allowing the fruit trees to germinate in areas that the trees would not have access to otherwise.|||They like to eat bugs, i guess it helps reduce the infestation...|||well, they can RIP OFF YOUR FACE

in their native environment chimps eat fruits, their droppings spread the seeds. they also eat monkeys and each other (sick. I hate all apes.), keeping the population down. they also tear down leaves from trees, letting more sunlight to the plants below, as they live in the jungle. this probably helps.

How The Woman Who Cohabitated With The Chimpanzee Found Him So Attractive?

He eventually attacked her friend and in the process was stabbed and killed.

Any photos of the chimp?|||The chimp is dead =l i doubt they'd take pics %26gt;:)

How do I train my pet chimpanzee to become the UFC Heavyweight Champion?

I want mojojojo my monkey to beat lesnar and become ufc champ how do i do this task?|||You can teach your curious george the submission hold %26amp; humping maneuver. If he can do that to Lesnar, then I'm sure Lesnar will tap out before your monkey kum to his destination!...Haha! =))|||Get a good diet for him, train at least 6 days a week, have him do some cardio tree climbing and banana peeling, have him well rounded, he already has the strength and physical advantage, just work on his technique a bit, teach him a little bit of all of these: MT, Karate, BJJ, and any type of training you can give him. He will probably be a strong fighter since his feet are as strong and nimble as his hands so that's another advantage.

Watch what he eats, train him hard, tell him to stay motivated and he will be deadly!!!!

I'll be cheering for him!|||well i would recomend training him overall mma skills like all true mmaers do bro... get his boxing top notch, and his kickboxing and muey thai, for his standup, work in clinche fighting and judo for clinch throws, also work on his wrestling and bjj.. ur monkey can use his wrestling to keep the fighti standing as well, and the bjj is for your monkey to lock in some submissions... also technique is not all, he must wheight train and work on cardio as well.. he needs to be well rounded if hes gonna be in the ufc.. good luck to him bro|||The same way you imagined that you have a chimpanzee in the first place.

Just continue with your pathetic trolling lies and fantasies and it will happen!|||Not a good idea. Sometime during the 1st round your chimp is likely to start throwing sh!t at the crowd and is you don't give the front 10 rows rain coats you are looking at a lawsuit.|||You have to teach him not to bite fingers off or pull the human genitals off. Also he needs to not destroy any human orfice or scratch. Good luck.|||sorry but Cain beat your monkey to it. but i think the "brown pride" tattoo might have something to do with it.|||You can't|||i bet any chimp would murder lesnar their like 4x stronger than humans and can rip your face off|||make him believe in himself. the rest will come by itself

A successful hybridization between a human and a chimpanzee. Even if the hybrid were infertile like a mule?

Christians how would you feel about an experiment like this?

The human genome and the chimpanzee genome are now known in full. Intermediate genomes of varying proportions can be interpolated on paper. Moving from paper to flesh and blood would require embryological technologies that will probably come on stream during our lifetime.

would it change everything ?|||impossible, chromosome number mismatch...

you read much ?|||Not all mules are infertile.|||Look up the work of this guy:

Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov

See how you feel after reading about his actual and proposed experiments.|||1) Christians how would you feel about an experiment like this?

Well, intentionally creating a semi-human creature seems foolish at the least, and gravely immoral at most.

2) would it change everything?

I wouldn't think that it would change anything.

Jim, com

What is the name of the common ancestor shared by the chimpanzee and the human?

Also does anyone have a link to pictures of what it might have looked like?|||Ardipithecus ramidus

http://afeatheradrift.files.wordpress.co鈥?/a>|||According to science:

"Species close to the last common ancestor of gorillas, chimpanzees and humans may be represented by Nakalipithecus fossils found in Kenya and Ouranopithecus found in Greece" - Wikipedia

According to religion:

"We arn't from monkeys! A magic being whom I ritualistically consume blood and flesh made man and the whole world, rainbows included!!!! Pfffftttt...." - 90% of america|||i believe that the most common ancestor which links humans to chimpanzees is a species of human known as: homoerectus.

HOPE THIS IS WHAT UR LOOKING FOR! ~_~|||That would be the liberal.|||as*s|||George Bush?

If a chimpanzee can communicate through the use of sign language and understand commands, does it have languag

If a chimpanzee can communicate through the use of sign language and understand commands, does it have language?|||Anything used to convey a need or emotion, whether verbal or non-verbal is considered a language.

Body Language

Sign Language

Programming Language? sort of. Except that you convey that need from a higher level, to a low level bits, and ultimately the output shows you what you want.|||Most of animals have language, what they lack (or we're too over our heads to aknowledge anyways) is the ability to reason.|||is itself a language and sincerely speaking it is the mother tongue of all huaman beings|||Some chimps have learned as many as 500 words, but they don't have a language in the sense that they cannot put together a coherent sentence on their own. They can learn phrases like a parrot (through rote training) but they cannot free form sentences on their own.

Langauge is an art, something chimps don't have. Learning a number of words is one thing, having the ability to weave them together to communicate ideas is another.

How long does an average chimpanzee live?

Just curious. I read online that a chimp in her late 40's just gave birth while in captivity, and I was wondering...|||Hi there...chimps can live up to 60+ years in captivity. Average age of 53 years.鈥?/a>

Oldest known chimp is now 74 years named Cheeta:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>|||Chimpanzees rarely live past the age of 40 in the wild, but have been known to reach the age of 60 in captivity, and Tarzan star Cheeta is still alive as of 2006 at the age of 74.|||Up to about 60 years

What ever happened to the chimpanzee used in filming the old Tarzan movies?

this ape looked to like a young adult when the movies were filmed back in the fiftys and it is my understanding that chimps live for about thirty five or fourty years.I assume it died in a zoo some where. Any info avalable?|||Ah, I saw something a while back, Cheetah's retired and living somewhere in here in Florida with one of his trainers. He's old, but he's still around.|||Cheeta, the oldest living chimpanzee, resides in a sanctuary that has his name. You can see lots of photos of what his life is like today at his website.|||no matey|||he lives in Palm Springs, California, just turned the age of 75 like on April 10th.

Where can I find a labled picture of a chimpanzee anatomy?

My sister needs one for a report and we've googled, yahood, and searched on Wikipiedia but haven't been able to find anything.|||Here's a labelled pic:鈥?/a>|||I agree with Kakariki.|||i was tempted to say something not very nice, my apologies

What is the difference between an American and a chimpanzee?

Answer. One has a brain similar to that of early humans and the other likes bananas.|||go shave your back...idiot|||Why are you a piece of ****?|||Lame|||yep i like bannanas alot|||i like bananas too|||well like your answer and chimpanzees do not wear clothing like us humans|||The American is materialistic :)|||Grow up|||bananas rule, oh yeah|||Crap joke! I am english and I hate it when someone tries to bad mouth americans cos they are just humans like most people so why don't you try being one yourself!|||Americans are more intelligent then all of you europeans!!!!|||A chimpanzee isn't fooled into dying in a war for oil?|||the difference between an american and YOU is that americans are making an attempt to kill stereotyping. try it sometime.|||Chimps tend to accept a leader with above average intelligence.|||Its okay to be jealous....|||An American is no less human than yourself, so this joke (if you can call it that) can go whatever direction your nationality is as well.

Analysis: That joke kinda blows.|||whats the differnce between an idiot and a dildo?|||Americans don't have that much hair,now go comb your face you idiot.|||One is a human. The other is an animal. One eats bananas and the other bakes things by using bananas in a recipe!|||Good thing I'm Canadian then. lol|||An American votes the same politicians into office every election day. Chimpanzees don't vote.|||WHOOO! Monkey Brain!|||You might add that one is hairier and more intelligent than the other|||shut up!!! the way world is living today is due to americans...computers,electricity,......鈥?what due to AMERICANS..|||Oh... I suppose you think that's funny huh?? well read this...

*Warning From Pakistan*

This morning, from a cave somewhere in Pakistan, Taliban Minister of Migration, Mohammed Omar, warned the United States that if military action against Iraq continues, Taliban authorities will cut off America's supply of convenience store managers. And if this action does not yield sufficient results, cab drivers will be next, followed by Dell customer service reps. It's getting ugly.|||One is smart enough to realize the ignorance of the person asking the question, the other would just throw a pile of **** in your face! Go eat a banana and think about it PINHEAD!|||GO SCREW YOURSELF YOU STUPID FOREIGNER!!!!|||And you not writing your nationality just proves your country is filled with cowards monkey boy.|||chimps are more civilized and dont start wars and dont start global warming and there frikin smarter|||Pete Samprass used to drag his knuckles on the court, I suppose.|||Mmmm.......banana's oh wait I'm supposed to be mad. RAWR!

Whats the difference between Monkey and a Chimpanzee?

I Just need a few characteristics that differentiate them.|||tail

no tail

Why should Chimpanzee testing be allowed?

So guys, I need to point out I am AGAINST chimpanzee testing. However i have to do this debate at school and my topic is why Chimpanzee testing should be allowed... Please give me info to state why it should be allowed cus I can't think of any!|||Because veterinarians need to know how to deal with illness and injury in chimps. Think: would you want a doctor who'd never touched a scalpel to take out your appendix? No, you wouldn't - so why would you deny a poor chimp the services of an experienced vet?|||Why shouldn't it be allowed? Would you rather have a dozen chimps experience blood clots or brain hemorrhages in response to a new drug? Or your husband or wife or kids? Or yourself? The only alternative to animal testing is human testing.

How do you get a pet chimpanzee?

Do you have to have a special permitt or anything and where can you go to get one? How much does it cost?|||You most likely have to have a permit. You would have to go to an exotic animal company to obtain one. Just look it up on the internet, but do A LOT more research before you do that. They are very expensive, and it is like having a 2 year old all the time. The website below gives some information. This website says that "buying a chimp comes at a price way beyond the $30,000 to $40,000 you'll need to purchase a chimp." Unless you have a lot of experience with exotic animals and know someone who will be able to walk you through it, I would suggest trying an animal that was a little more tame.|||You can't own a chimpanzee to the best of my knowledge.They do grow up and are far stronger than they look especially when they reach sexual maturity.|||first of all by finding out if that's legal where you live!!!!|||Why on earth would you want one? When you see cute little chimps, that's what they are babies. Do you know they grow to be over 5 feet tall? You really need to know what you're doing before you get one and yes in most states you need a permit. Please look into this further. I am not putting you down, just trying to give you some facts. All the best....|||Why in the world would you want one? Please do some serious research about these guys. You will have an extremely difficult time to have a vet see them. They're full of diseases, very messy, and can get very mean. But don't get your information from here. Go to a government sponsered website and get information.|||srry chimps are illegal 2 own as pets try a dog . But ur right chimps r so cute|||Here are two excellent sites that explain why chimps should never be kept as pets:鈥?/a>

What is your position on the chimpanzee cartoon in the Washington Post?

"Ignorant and totally unacceptable", "funny and no big deal", or "more suited to the National Inquirer".|||Ignorant and totally unacceptable

Why it was took as being racist is because a lot of the racists societies/people especially in the 60/70s, referred black people as apes/monkeys etc..

Not saying the illustrators intentions were to be racist and he had every right to publish that in the paper BUT I feel he should have thought it through, because he was referring obama as an chimp/ape; being shot down by cops. If the illustrator was referring to the chimp that was being shot down for mauling the lady in Connecticut, than why bring the president into it and refer the ape to writing the stimulus bill? Because he wasn't referring to the mauling of the 2 ladies, he was referring obama as the ape being shot down by the cops and really that is just disrespectful. Racist or not|||You might want to watch what you say. Freedom of speech is a powerful right and censoring may start out with the best of intentions but might ultimately come back against you.

Report Abuse

|||I see nothing 'racist' about it.|||Ignorant and totally unacceptable.|||It was the New York Post, and it sucked.|||ill advised and stupid.|||Umm, that the stimuls package makes no sense, like it was written by a monkey... If it's the same one I saw in another post...

Can you post a link to the one you are speaking of?

I dont understand why people are giving my thumbs down? Is it because what I said makes sense?|||I am going to print it on a transfer and make a t-shirt of it.|||Funny and no big deal but there will always be people who have to make something out of nothing.|||Speaking as a primate, the cartoon is an insult to my kin.|||NY Post. Basically it was aimed at congress and did not mention Obama at all. Libs like twisting everything to their benefit.|||funny and only Al Sharpton types would think elsewise as it was aimed at congress|||I didn't see it, please put a link to it.|||My opinion is that they can excuse it all they want, responsible people don't do that and they should know they are wrong.|||Very childish and loved by racists all over America!

.|||Stupid, but not racist|||When I first saw it, I immediately interpreted it to mean the author was comparing the people who wrote the stimulus bill (Congress %26amp; the President) were collectively about as smart as the insane chimp that was in the news that week. I think that was all the author intended.

I think that the author, and more importantly, the editor, failed to see that it could be interpreted as a racist statement (calling President Obama a monkey).

I don't think any racism was intended. However, I also don't think it was a particularly clever or funny cartoon anyway.|||i like it, b/c i like freedom of speech


IMPEACH THE MAN|||Funny, since it was aimed at the Monkeys in Congress who wrote and passed the bulls**t bill.|||Just plain stupid. I don't really think it's a big deal, but I'm loving the fact that others do. The Post (along with their lame cartoonist) make a living making a bigger deal out of things then they should be. They should get the same treatment they've been dishing out for years. Look at some of the A-Rod headlines over the last two weeks and ask yourself, what would the Post be writing about this cartoon, if they weren't the one who published it?|||It was the NY Post and I see nothing wrong. Besides, liberals like Al Sharpton had no problem calling Bush a chimp!|||Honestly don't care.... A paper should be able to print whatever they wish... if consumers don't like it they will speak with their dollars... I don't see anything wrong with it... but the Post should have known what was going to happen.... I am sure Al Sharpton thought it funny when Fmr. Pres. Bush Jr. was depicted as a Chimp... Just hypocrites with thin skin in my opinion... they will make every critizism of Obama or his administration/congress as an attack towards their race... they really need to grow a pair in my opinion.|||people are taking it out of context. Did Obama write the stimulus bill?? no, the monkeys in all of Congress did.|||Stupid but acceptable. Freedom of speech does not have a clause that says speech must be intelligent. If it did eighty percent of the country would have to be muted, probably including myself.|||we have become so politically correct that we've totally lost our sense (of humor). It is a political cartoon meant for humor and satire, nothing more, if you read more into it than that then you're projecting your own fears, insecurities and prejudices onto it.|||Neither here nor there.

You see, I actually read the cartoon and actually know it pokes fun of the people (House Democrats) that wrote the Stimulus Bill. Not the President. He did not write it. Now if the cop in the cartoon said "Now we will have to find someone else to SIGN the next Stimulus Bill, that would have been offensive.

Funny how the Attorney General calls Americans cowards for not speaking frankly about racial issues while he is being drowned out by Al Sharpton's bull-horn.

Note to those who believed electing a Black President would usher in the era of post-racism. Sharpton did not get the memo.

*|||it went alittle too far i think. all it did was add fuel to the fire.but i have seen alot of things they did to bush without all the the cartoon of him naked with another man/ He didn't raise a fuss just accepted it for what it was. someone with a hate grudge.thigs like this have to be ignored and let die. what good does ranting and raving do. can't be thin skinned in government or you will always be ranting and raving instead of focusing on the job at hand. Get over itand hope this is the worse thing they do.|||Silly, but not racist.|||When it was Bush being characterized as a chimp it was okay and funny. But because it is representing Obama, it is wrong.

I think the cartoon was great... not because I am a racist but I think it is a good representation of the monkey business the congress and white house are conducting. They should have posted it 6 months ago and it might have won an award or something... today there is a double standard and some will find a reason to cause a stink over it...|||Funny- %26amp; no big deal- a chimp COULD have written a better stimulas plan! Sorry!|||It is not the least but racist...I think the cartoonist meant it to say that the stimulus bill is so stupid that even a chimpanze could have written it! Plain and simple. I didn't find it funny just because it didn't fit my sense of humor but I was not offended by it in the least.|||I thought it was funny. I got the point. It had nothing to do with Obama or any other black person. Black racists are always on the lookout for anything to make race an issue.

Doesn't a chimpanzee or a dog gets punished when they commit felony acts?

If a human is a felon, he serves many years in prison. What type of punishment will a dog or chimpanzee get for felony acts? |||It's obvious they put these animals to sleep. Once a dog bites then it's usually what follows, unless you can somehow get out of it. |||They get locked up in a zoo..|||if they atak some one most of the time they get put to sleep|||no.|||They get elected to public office.

Ha, just kidding.

Sometimes animals that attack and/or kill people are put down.

But animals aren't held to the standard that humans are, because an animal cannot intend to commit a crime knowingly. Intent is generally what makes a felony.|||Dogs are usually euthanized.

I haven't heard of any chimpanzee's being caught committing a felony|||They get shot.|||Stupid Question....A human knows when he/she is doing right or wrong and if he/she doesn't then, it is brought to her/his attention. If by chance, she/he cannot understand right from wrong due to a "retardation" or "the mind not working properly" then, it is brought to the attention differently then ppl that understand right from wrong.

A chimpanzee or dog commits a bad crime such as biting or killing then, most likely the animal gets put down because, this such animal cannot tell right from wrong! A felony act really doesn't exist in an animal.

A bite for instance can have a dog put down for good if another tells authority that the dog just attacked me for no apparent reason. "Chimpanzee", there is no reason for a "chimpanzee" to do any harm unless taught to do so or was abused during its lifetime.

What would you do if you were in the "Chimpanzee's" place or the "Dog's Place", would you know right from wrong?|||usually death...|||not if they hire DoLittle and DoLittle for legal representation - they get PAWrole ; P

How to become a surrogate parent for chimpanzee orphans?

I love chimpanzees and would love to be a surrogate for orphaned babies, how do I go about doing this?|||It is way to complicated and expensive to do so on your own. The requirements to do so can take years and a great deal of money. Your better off to consider donating to an established sanctuary such as Chimp Eden which does allow you to visit their facility. I donated to a Meerkat Sanctuary in So. California which has provided the opportunity to spend time with on a one one one basis. It was incredible. Good for your for caring about chimps. I love them too!|||It would take years and lots of money.

Very very few people actually get to work with monkeys, you would need a ton of qualifications, experience.|||you could come kidnap my baby sister. trust me...she's close enough. and ill help you get her

Are humans the third species of Chimpanzee?

I was reading the; The Third Chimpanzee - the rise and fall of the human race.

The book said that there was 3 species of Chimpanzees. The Common Chimpanzee, the Bonobo and humans.

Is this true.|||The third chimpanzee,seems like a title slanted to selling books. Read the Naked Ape by Desmond Morris and African Genesis by Robert Ardrey. If you have an interest in our connection to chimps and apes.Calling us the third Chimp,seems like grandstanding sensationalism to sell a book.|||No, thats not a proper way of describing our evolutionary relationship. Chimps and bonobos are our closest non-extinct relatives. "Chimpanzee" refers to one species, so to say we are a "species of chimpanzee" is jibberish.

Im not familiar with that book. For a better explanation, read "Our Inner Ape" by Frans de Waal.|||Common Chimps and Bonobos are 2 species of chimpanzee. The author, Jared Diamond, is being somewhat rhetorical when he describes us as a "third species of chimp". His point is that we are very similar. It would not be factual to say humans are a third species of chimp.|||no we branched off before "chimps" evolved into what they are today|||No, not really. Although Humans are rather closely related to Chimpanzees, they are still distinct from each other, and are separated by the days of filthy, poop-throwing Apes.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Would it be considered cruel to arm-wrestle a trained chimpanzee?

Seeing as how a chimpanzee is much stronger than a human. I can't necessarily see how it would be cruel if I basically had my *** handed to me.|||Not if the chimp consents.|||why would you want to wrestle a chimpanzee?

Are there any free Anthropology Essays on Chimpanzee Culture?

Hey, so I'm trying to find some university level anthropology essays on Chimpanzee Culture, so I can have an example of how mine should look like. Thanks!|||If you're really wanting the essay to just compare I'd say check published work in the subject. Check additional sources on Wikipedia. But if you're wanting to just copy it, I say where is the fun in that?

I am looking for the email address of the victim of the chimpanzee attack that was shown on the Today Show?

The Today show on April 7th 2008 posted and email address for the victim of the chimpanzee attack that occurred last month. What is it?|||There is a web site set up by her brother where you can leave an email for her. The link is below.|||Yes, here is where you can send Charla an email:


Who would win in a fight to the death, Ray lewis of the Baltimore Ravens, or a chimpanzee?

No weapons involved, I'm talking about one on one fight between the two to the death. I say ray lewis hands down would kill a chimpanzee.|||Dude!

I have heard this kind of arguement before,... and I think its ridiculous to think a chimpanzee could beat a BIG, STRONG, physically fit, fully grown man!!!

Chimpanzee's great jaw strength, and have VERY great arm strength, from supporting thier body weight from hanging, and swinging from tree branches all day, but that's it!!!

Chimps are low to the ground, they have short little legs, they have SLOW ground mobility, AND,.. They have no idea how to fight!!! They just grab at whatever they can and tear at it, and try to bite when they can. In addition, they also may try pull the taller human down to their level, to srcatch and bite us. That is all they can do!

However, THAT paired with a chimps raw untamed SAVAGENESS,... IS MORE than enough to mame and disfigure women, especially physically weak middle aged women. Like,... the famous case from 2009. But,... Imagine how much worse it would have been had it been a crazy big strong man,... Like Brock Lesnar trying to kill the women,... they would have been beaten to death in seconds!!!

Ray lewis would kill a chimp!!!

You tell me,... WTF would a chimp do when Ray Lewis punt kicks the chimps short statured head like a foot ball??? Again and again and again!!! When the chimp hits the floor WTF is he going to do when Ray kicks and stomps on the Chimp while he's on the floor??? WTF will it do when Ray punches the chimp in its face!!! The Chimp will F'ing die!!! That's what!!!

Ray lewis may walk away with some scratches, and mild lasereations,...but the chimp will be utterly DEAD!!!

The same is true for just about ANY strong, fit, adult MALE, over 200 pounds, with ANY fight in him!|||There is only 1 way to find this out and I'm sure Ray Lewis would not be down to fight a chimp. Personally I feel a full grown male chimp would destroy any AVERAGE man, but a big 6'1 250lb muscular man who can max bench 600lb and knows how to fight, that's tough to say. I feel it ALL depends on the fight. The chimp would savagely attack and try to pull down Ray Lewis, while Ray Lewis best shot would be to strike the chimp early and hope he's successful. If the chimp took his punches and got Ray to the ground the fight is over and Ray Lewis would be ripped apart. He would instantaneously have his muscles ripped when the chimp yanks at a limb and practically be eaten alive with the chimps impressive jaw power.

The fight would be decided in the first minute, if Ray Scores a K.O. he'll beat the chimp to death. If he fails the chimp would out power and out last the huge man.|||lewis would win eventually...but that chimp would gets its shots in and lewis would have some wounds but not life threatening.

lewis has got a mean streak in him and would initially be annoyed (ie throwing its feces)by the chimp. annoyance and aggression would do the chimp in...but i say the monkey gets some bites in on #52.

joe flacco and anquan boldin would not be pleased lol

EDIT: im saying this would in my long as the chimp isnt an adult.|||I hope you're kidding........

A Raging Chimp left *alone* with Ray Lewis.... Ray Lewis will be torn apart... PERIOD

The Bronx Zoo in 1924 did a test on a Raging a female chimp, weighing a mere 135 pounds and going by the name of Suzette, checked in with a one-handed pull of 1,260 pounds. ONE handed... Do you understand, if that Chimp grabs you... You're done, no letting go... unless he bites your hand completely off...

Now.. Adult Chimpanzee are 5-6 times stronger than adult male humans with Enhanced Muscle Fibers %26amp; Thicker bone Structure...

It's great to see that you're all rooting for humans...... but lets tell the truth, We wouldn't have a chance.. not against fully developed male Chimp

How much money would a chimpanzee cost?

right now i am only eleven. but when i get older i want a chimpanzee for a pet. people say that chimpanzees are hard to take care of. also how long do chimpanzees usually live?|||It is not very nice for the chimp to live with people. In the beginning, everything can go fine. But when the chimp gets older, he gets more dangerous. When his hormones kick in his behavior changes.

Chimps are very strong, and start to cause trouble. Then the animal has to go. That is very sad and he will suffer badly from that. The place he will go to could be worse.

You also will feel the loss. Because you would have the face the fact that this lovely chimp who grew up with you and is your friend, has to go.

Spare the chimp and yourself all this horror. Chimps would be far better of if people were not allowed anymore to buy them.|||Chimps are not pets.

Cats and dogs make great pets.|||500 dollars|||You cannot not have a chimp unless you are a research lab, a zoo, or some sort of sanctuary, for the most part.

You don't want a chimp as a pet. They can live 40-60 years in captivity. After they are a few years old, they will be much stronger than you and quite grumpy and wild. The ones you see on TV are infants and toddlers (generally under 3). After that, they become unable to handle and are therefore unfit for cinema work.

Seriously, this is not a good idea. I'm going to give you some links that you need to read so that you can put this 'dream' aside. Please read them so that you can really understand how bad of an idea it is in reality.

If you like Chimps, then consider getting a primatology degree once you are in college. If you are in the LA area, do some volunteer work at the LA zoo or at the Gibbon Preserve. Volunteer with Primate Rescue Organizations.

Good luck to you and I hope you are able to find a companion in something a little more traditional. Like a cat.|||Get a picture book on chimps, or download some nice pictures instead. Or "adopt" a chimp at the zoo. Chimps get very aggressive when they mature, and they can easily lift 400 pounds and have fang like teeth. Whenever my daughter asks about chimpanzees, I ask her what a recent news story said about a preserve chimpanzee that got out and attacked a taxi cab. (True story) Laura, what again did that chimpanzee do to those four people in the taxi cab? "Ripped them to shreds!" Right... right... So why do we have dogs, guinea pigs, chinchillas and hamsters, and no chimps? "Because they don't do that to people." Right... :).|||Chimps are very temperamental, and easily capable of inflicting wounds that can kill or severely disfigure. Try a yahoo search for "chimp attack" and see for yourself.|||R U even able to have one?|||Dont know but it would be cruel to buy one and keep it as a pet|||dont people get over these wierd wants around 7 years old?|||Before worrying about whether or not you can afford one, research it. People get into trouble so much with exotic pets, primarily because they do not know how to properly care for one. Also, you need to check if chimps are allowed in your city. Many places they are illegal to have (unless you own a zoo or circus). Assuming you can have one when you get older, another thing you need to worry about is if you will obtain your chimp legally or through the black market. Lots of things to consider.

I want to buy a Chimpanzee for a pet?

I have a strong yen to own a Chimpanzee where can I can I buy one ? I hear Spain is full of them along the beaches.|||If you copulate with one, you will bore yourself a free baby chimp in seven to eight months.|||Why would you want a chimpanzee? They are wild animals, and should stay that way. You can give me a thumbs down, but thats the truth. Also, they are pulled away from there mothers when they are babies. Do you know hoe tramatic that must of been for the mother and baby? Have you heard of people being attacked my chimpanzees? A woman had her face PULLED OFF from a chimpanzee. They are wild animals, enjoy them in that way, not as pets.|||just adopt a kid there alot better chimps will throw poop at you and all that they make a BIG mess they will out smart you and could kill you|||Troll.

How/Where can I get a chimpanzee in East TN?

I would like to get a chimpanzee for Christmas, but I don't know where I could get one. I live in Kingston, TN, so I would like some ideas of where to get a chimpanzee near there. Thanks, in advance, for your help! Have a very merry Christmas!!|||AMAZON.COM!!!! LOL I CRACK MYSELF UP!!! GET IT AMAZON LOL!!!!|||u dont want a monkey. idk if u have really thought this through, but i am betting u didnt considering u still want one. monkey like as long as humans, so be sure to keep in mind that u will be tking care of this living creature for the rest of your life, meaning commitment. Also, monkeys act like a 3 year old child for their entire life. And people think that taking care of a baby for a few years is tough! Monkeys are not ment to like in a house, and u definitely dont want one living in yours. They need space, and should be left alone. If you are thinking of helping a sick or injured monkey if u like primates that much, search online. I no that people temporarily take care of them so they can be reintroduced into their natural habitat. Otherwise neither of u will b happy. PLease consider this :) thanks!|||Cruel.|||You could probably buy Micheal Jackson's. I hear he needs some cash.|||EBAY!!!! lmaooo or just go take one from the zoo

Can human sperm fertilize a chimpanzee embryo?

I hear that there is only a 2% difference between human DNA and chimpanzee DNA.

If it is possible, can chimpanzee sperm fertilize a human embryo?|||Nope

Although closely related, humans and chimps have a different number of chromosomes thereby rendering fertilisation impossible|||%26gt; Can human sperm fertilize a chimpanzee egg

That's a big fat We Don't Know. As far as I know, no one's tried this in vitro.

Earlier attempted insemination attempts did not produce any pregnancies, but the trials were of such limited extent that I'd call them inconclusive. The trials were performed prior to in vitro technologies.

As far as "different number of chromosomes" are concerned, horses and donkeys have different numbers of chromosomes and produce hybrid offspring (mules).

Edit: As far as different receptors are concerned, you don't know unless you actually perform the test. To the two biologists who have brought this up, can you cite a reference, a scientific paper by people who actually attempted in vitro fertilization between human and chimp gametes? Remember, horses and donkeys can fertilize each other's gametes -- and they've been separated in terms of years for abouut the same length of time as humans and chimps (and for about twice as many generations since they start breeding younger).|||No on both counts. Chimps and humans are separated evolutionarily by gamete isolation. The sperm of one species can not fertilize the ova of another species for a number of possible reasons, but often due to changes in receptors and ligands on the two cell's surfaces that must interact to allow for sperm penetration.|||The simple answer is that nothing can fertilize an embryo. An embryo has a full duplex genome. Now, as to whether human sperm can fertilize a chimpanzee egg; The answer is that it is very unlikely. Chimpanzees and humans have a different breakdown of the gene set. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes and other great apes have 24 pairs of chromosomes鹿. However, cross species fertilization can occur. A bovine can impregnate an antelope' e.g. "beefalo" a cross between cattle and the American bison. Experiments to determine if this is possible between humans and troglodytes would be viewed by many as unacceptable. Since such research would only satisfy morbid curiosity without any expectation of beneficial knowledge, it is unlikely that such experiments will be performed.|||A human sperm could probably peirce the outer coating of a chimp egg, "fertilizing" it, but the embryo that would result would probably not be viable.

The biggest barrier to human chimp hybridization is the difference in the number of our chromosomes, humans having 26 pairs and chimps having 28.

A human chimp hybrid, "humanzee"? "chimpuman"? if even possible, would have 27 pairs and would most likely be sterile.

too bad I say, we humans need a niche competitor ;)|||not at all. The chim's egg will reject the human sperm. The egg has species-specific receptors that ensure sperm from other species cannot pennetrate it.

2% of DNA is a HUGE number when we talk about DNA. Just because it sounds small, doesn't mean anything. Keep in mind, that 2% is what makes us human. Also, this does NOT mean that humans came from chimps. Evolution only states that chimps and humans had a common ancestor many years ago that diverged into two different branches. One branch led to humans and the other led to chimps.|||No- we are DIFFERENT species and have different numbers of chromosomes.|||No.

Why would a male chimpanzee kill a baby chimpanzee?

Once I witnessed a male chimpanzee hitting a baby chimpanzee on the wall through the cage. The baby was bleeding. Its chimpanzee mother trying was to reach it and there was a commotion along other chimpanzees. This lasted until a zoo keeper came with a hose. Why the male had acted like that?|||The males of many species will often kill young they know or suspect are not their own. They do this both to give their own offspring a better chance of survival, and so that the mother will mate again - he can then mate with her, and father his own young. Female chimpanzees try to combat this tendency by mating with many males - that way, all those who mated with her are potentially the father of her young, and will not harm it. In captivity, groups are usually composed of several females and a single mature male to minimize this sort of infanticide - if there's only one male, he knows all offspring born are his. It's possible the one you saw attacking the baby was an adolescent male approaching adulthood - he may have been attempting to get rid of the dominant male's young, hoping to oust him and mate with the mother himself. Zoos usually remove adolescent males from the group before things get to this stage - possibly they had not realized he was old enough to think about challenging the alpha male.|||This is instinctive, and comes from the fact that the males of all wild animals want to make sure "their" genes are passed on to the next generation rather than those of a rival males. If the baby is not his, he does not want it to survive. And, the sooner the offspring is gotten rid of the sooner the female will be receptive to mating again, and this time with "him". It's survival of the fittest.

In some animals, a male will force himself onto a female that's just been mated with so that his sperm will wash out the sperm of the rival male and "his" genes will win out in her fertilization.

Male animals do not always fight among themselves to assure dominance. Sometimes it is done this way to assure their genes are the "dominant" ones.|||He found out it wasn't his kid. Just kidding.

Often times animals will kill off young if they feel that there is not a large enough food supply to support the overall population. In zoos the food supply is so regulated that the male could have felt that there wouldn't be enough food for his whole group so he pick a baby out to kill.

How would you compare the inteligence of a full grown chimpanzee to a school age child?

What level is the chimpanzee on 2 year old child or 4 year old child etc.|||Chimps are supposed to keep pace with humans until they are about 3. At that point, the human's speech gives them an advantage and the chimp never catches up.

What is the taxonomy for a gorilla, chimpanzee and man?

i have to show using the system of classification that there are more structural similarities between a chimpanzee and gorilla than between chimpanzee and man...

(using taxonomy)|||The taxonomy is not the way to make these comparisons. The taxonomy is an old system for classification of organisms based on superficial physical characteristics. A much better system is based on the genetic changes between the species. Using the DNA, the chimpanzee's closest relatives are the human and the bonobo.

Would you be upset if you found out your neighbor owns a chimpanzee?

And he/she keeps it inside the house and you just recently found out about it... would you scared? And if it's legal for him/her to keep it?

What would you do?

Another question do you have sympathy for the chimpanzees? I'm going to take a class about animal behavior and I just can't get myself around the idea of liking a chimpanzee.|||I would be over there all the time just to hang out with the chimp, they are the coolest animals!!

I would possibly steal it from the neighbour.|||yes

Is a Bonobo chimpanzee more inteligent than a regular chimpanzee?

If yes what can a Bonobo chimpanzee do that a regular chimpanzee can't do|||I don't think we've given either IQ tests. They're calmer, smaller, and easier to train and be around though.

Why is the chimpanzee classified as a troglodyte?

what are some reasons that make a chimpanzee classified as a troglodyte ?|||Chimp was formerly named "Homo troglodytes" ( 'cave man" ) by Carl Linne.

Nowadays, even if they are very similar, human and chimpanzee species are classified into 2 distinct genera: Pan and Homo (for religious reasons I guess).

There is a rule in taxonomy: when a species is reclassified, genus name can change, species name can't.

Of course, Chimpanzees are not troglodyte.

Is there any study concerning the evolution of chimpanzee?

since evolutionists do believe that chimps and human have their common ancestor and just separated along the way...did chimpanzee separated as a chimpanzee while human have undergone various changes ?|||No the chimpanzee didn't separate as a chimpanzee ... it would have evolved just as we did.

The fossil record for the chimpanzee is far less established than that for the Hominin branch that lead to humans (which has a number of different species). This is because chimps are forest animals where bones don't fossilize well, and (since the forests still exist) it is difficult to hunt for fossils. Much of human evolution occurred in the dry regions of what is now the dry savannahs (especially Ethiopia)

But here you go:鈥?/a>|||there is no study concerning the evolution of anything that is not brainwashed scientific hooey!|||Zoologist

Can a human and a chimpanzee have a baby?

They are the closest related primate, is it possible for a human female to have a baby with the love of her life who happens to be a chimpanzee?|||This is not possible for the simple reason the DNA is too different. Humans cannot successfully conceive with any other species.

However there are several species that can cross breed because their DNA is close enough. Examples include Horses and Donkeys (A Mule), lions and tigers (A Liger), Pigs and Warthogs among others.

Obviously in the wild these would most likely not happen but in captivity cross-breeding exists.|||If it has happened, nobody is admitting it.

There are probably enough genetic differences to make it impossible.

If you are thinking about trying it, I refer you to

Anyway, people are stupid enough without making their brains smaller.|||The pronounced genetic differences between the 2 species make interbreeding impossible!|||No, because there is seperation in DNA that prevents breeding.|||Nope|||No

What other similarities to Humans have with a chimpanzee besides?

We both have the same kind of hands and we can both manipulate our hands the same way

When a chimp walks standing only on its legs it looks similar to a human

Aside from these 2 similarities there isn't much similarity between a human and a chimpanzee|||External ears are nearly identical.

Eyes also.

All internal organs are the same.

Even diet -- chimps are omnivores, they will eat insects and occasionally hunt monkeys -- is similar.

I am not sure what you are trying to show here.|||99% of the genes are homologous in both species in their genomes. But human have a gene coding for language, which chimps don't.