Thursday, November 24, 2011

Why should Chimpanzee testing be allowed?

So guys, I need to point out I am AGAINST chimpanzee testing. However i have to do this debate at school and my topic is why Chimpanzee testing should be allowed... Please give me info to state why it should be allowed cus I can't think of any!|||Because veterinarians need to know how to deal with illness and injury in chimps. Think: would you want a doctor who'd never touched a scalpel to take out your appendix? No, you wouldn't - so why would you deny a poor chimp the services of an experienced vet?|||Why shouldn't it be allowed? Would you rather have a dozen chimps experience blood clots or brain hemorrhages in response to a new drug? Or your husband or wife or kids? Or yourself? The only alternative to animal testing is human testing.

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