Saturday, November 19, 2011

Can a human and a chimpanzee have a baby?

They are the closest related primate, is it possible for a human female to have a baby with the love of her life who happens to be a chimpanzee?|||This is not possible for the simple reason the DNA is too different. Humans cannot successfully conceive with any other species.

However there are several species that can cross breed because their DNA is close enough. Examples include Horses and Donkeys (A Mule), lions and tigers (A Liger), Pigs and Warthogs among others.

Obviously in the wild these would most likely not happen but in captivity cross-breeding exists.|||If it has happened, nobody is admitting it.

There are probably enough genetic differences to make it impossible.

If you are thinking about trying it, I refer you to

Anyway, people are stupid enough without making their brains smaller.|||The pronounced genetic differences between the 2 species make interbreeding impossible!|||No, because there is seperation in DNA that prevents breeding.|||Nope|||No

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