Thursday, November 24, 2011

How would you compare Chimpanzee to Humans?

How are we alike? We things do we have n common?|||We have lots of things in common- I'll just copy and paste from another answer I gave to a similar question:

Highly mobile digits and opposable thumbs

tactile pads and nails (instead of claws)

abbreviated (shortened) snout

binocular vision

reduced sense of smell

fewer teeth than other mammals

more convolutions in the brain and an increasingly complex brain in relation to other mammals

placental pregnancies

as for behavioral- well if you observe chimps you will see that they are curious, they can solve problems, they nurture their young for extended periods, and they have an identifiable social hierarchy and unique culture, just like we do.|||We're both species of ape. So everything that all apes have in common we have in common with chimps.|||first to anthony, chimps do go to war

chimps also use tools and have a vocabulary of about 30 sounds or words.|||i wouldn't humans are to special to be compared to a chimp|||they tell us we are extremely close - like 98% but I still don't understand why we can't interbreed - not that I want to do it.|||They like to sit around watch tv and eat and get fat like us.|||we share 98 percent of our genetics with them.|||we have eyes :))|||No comparison ! Chimpanzees don't go to war and kill each other .

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