Why it was took as being racist is because a lot of the racists societies/people especially in the 60/70s, referred black people as apes/monkeys etc..
Not saying the illustrators intentions were to be racist and he had every right to publish that in the paper BUT I feel he should have thought it through, because he was referring obama as an chimp/ape; being shot down by cops. If the illustrator was referring to the chimp that was being shot down for mauling the lady in Connecticut, than why bring the president into it and refer the ape to writing the stimulus bill? Because he wasn't referring to the mauling of the 2 ladies, he was referring obama as the ape being shot down by the cops and really that is just disrespectful. Racist or not|||You might want to watch what you say. Freedom of speech is a powerful right and censoring may start out with the best of intentions but might ultimately come back against you.
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|||I see nothing 'racist' about it.|||Ignorant and totally unacceptable.|||It was the New York Post, and it sucked.|||ill advised and stupid.|||Umm, that the stimuls package makes no sense, like it was written by a monkey... If it's the same one I saw in another post...
Can you post a link to the one you are speaking of?
I dont understand why people are giving my thumbs down? Is it because what I said makes sense?|||I am going to print it on a transfer and make a t-shirt of it.|||Funny and no big deal but there will always be people who have to make something out of nothing.|||Speaking as a primate, the cartoon is an insult to my kin.|||NY Post. Basically it was aimed at congress and did not mention Obama at all. Libs like twisting everything to their benefit.|||funny and only Al Sharpton types would think elsewise as it was aimed at congress|||I didn't see it, please put a link to it.|||My opinion is that they can excuse it all they want, responsible people don't do that and they should know they are wrong.|||Very childish and loved by racists all over America!
.|||Stupid, but not racist|||When I first saw it, I immediately interpreted it to mean the author was comparing the people who wrote the stimulus bill (Congress %26amp; the President) were collectively about as smart as the insane chimp that was in the news that week. I think that was all the author intended.
I think that the author, and more importantly, the editor, failed to see that it could be interpreted as a racist statement (calling President Obama a monkey).
I don't think any racism was intended. However, I also don't think it was a particularly clever or funny cartoon anyway.|||i like it, b/c i like freedom of speech
IMPEACH THE MAN|||Funny, since it was aimed at the Monkeys in Congress who wrote and passed the bulls**t bill.|||Just plain stupid. I don't really think it's a big deal, but I'm loving the fact that others do. The Post (along with their lame cartoonist) make a living making a bigger deal out of things then they should be. They should get the same treatment they've been dishing out for years. Look at some of the A-Rod headlines over the last two weeks and ask yourself, what would the Post be writing about this cartoon, if they weren't the one who published it?|||It was the NY Post and I see nothing wrong. Besides, liberals like Al Sharpton had no problem calling Bush a chimp!|||Honestly don't care.... A paper should be able to print whatever they wish... if consumers don't like it they will speak with their dollars... I don't see anything wrong with it... but the Post should have known what was going to happen.... I am sure Al Sharpton thought it funny when Fmr. Pres. Bush Jr. was depicted as a Chimp... Just hypocrites with thin skin in my opinion... they will make every critizism of Obama or his administration/congress as an attack towards their race... they really need to grow a pair in my opinion.|||people are taking it out of context. Did Obama write the stimulus bill?? no, the monkeys in all of Congress did.|||Stupid but acceptable. Freedom of speech does not have a clause that says speech must be intelligent. If it did eighty percent of the country would have to be muted, probably including myself.|||we have become so politically correct that we've totally lost our sense (of humor). It is a political cartoon meant for humor and satire, nothing more, if you read more into it than that then you're projecting your own fears, insecurities and prejudices onto it.|||Neither here nor there.
You see, I actually read the cartoon and actually know it pokes fun of the people (House Democrats) that wrote the Stimulus Bill. Not the President. He did not write it. Now if the cop in the cartoon said "Now we will have to find someone else to SIGN the next Stimulus Bill, that would have been offensive.
Funny how the Attorney General calls Americans cowards for not speaking frankly about racial issues while he is being drowned out by Al Sharpton's bull-horn.
Note to those who believed electing a Black President would usher in the era of post-racism. Sharpton did not get the memo.
*|||it went alittle too far i think. all it did was add fuel to the fire.but i have seen alot of things they did to bush without all the fuss.like the cartoon of him naked with another man/ He didn't raise a fuss just accepted it for what it was. someone with a hate grudge.thigs like this have to be ignored and let die. what good does ranting and raving do. can't be thin skinned in government or you will always be ranting and raving instead of focusing on the job at hand. Get over itand hope this is the worse thing they do.|||Silly, but not racist.|||When it was Bush being characterized as a chimp it was okay and funny. But because it is representing Obama, it is wrong.
I think the cartoon was great... not because I am a racist but I think it is a good representation of the monkey business the congress and white house are conducting. They should have posted it 6 months ago and it might have won an award or something... today there is a double standard and some will find a reason to cause a stink over it...|||Funny- %26amp; no big deal- a chimp COULD have written a better stimulas plan! Sorry!|||It is not the least but racist...I think the cartoonist meant it to say that the stimulus bill is so stupid that even a chimpanze could have written it! Plain and simple. I didn't find it funny just because it didn't fit my sense of humor but I was not offended by it in the least.|||I thought it was funny. I got the point. It had nothing to do with Obama or any other black person. Black racists are always on the lookout for anything to make race an issue.
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