Thursday, November 24, 2011

Is there any possible way to adopt and take home a chimpanzee in australia?

I understand this is able to be done in america but can it be done in australia and if so how do i go about it?|||No. Private ownership of chimps is banned in every part of AU with one exception. Owners of chimps in NSW can keep them as long as they were licensed before bans were imposed, but cannot sell or transfer them to anyone else - unless that person already holds a license. In 1996 there were only 40 license holders - today there are far less. It is predicted that eventually there will be none.|||Are you aware that adult chimps are quite dangerous, even if raised by humans?|||Chimpanzees are endangered cannot have one as a pet. Apes and monkeys are NOT suitable pets, and can be dangerous. Any people having pets chimps in the US acquired them many years ago before they were endangered and when laws were much different. Recently people with these pets have had them confiscated and put into wildlife sanctuaries.|||How on earth are you going to safely and humanely care for an aggressive wild animal that is approximately seven times stronger than you, is arguably the second most intelligent animal on earth, can transmit deadly diseases to you, and whose most basic needs include a social group of his/her own species?

Answer this first. Then we'll talk.


Further comments...

Chimpanzees end up in wildlife sanctuaries because they are not suitable pets. Responsible sanctuaries do not place chimpanzees in "foster homes" because they know that is not an appropriate environment in which to house a chimpanzee.

Any "breeder" who supplies animals to zoos and circuses is someone to be avoided.

Virtually all "pet" chimpanzees get discarded by the age of six. It makes much more sense not to get one in the first place.

No primate of any sort is suitable as a pet.

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