Friday, December 2, 2011

What do you think about the chimpanzee attack on the lady in Connecticut?

I thought pit bulldogs were bad actors but would anyone keep a savage and dangerous animal as this one was?It had already demonstrated belligerent behavior before this attack.|||I am shocked- I can't believe it. I thought we were safe here. I would expect to only hear of this in deepest darkest Africa. Not Connecticut!|||Pit bulls are not bad actors. They are perfectly acceptable pets - the problem is the owners. In this case, again, the problem is the owners. The animal was clearly raised to be like a person (they claimed that the chimp brushed it's teeth, drank wine from a glass, etc). This is not behavior from a normal person with a large dangerous animal in the house. This is the behavior from someone in deep denial about the nature of the animal and the life it requires. These people often believe that wild animals like chimps can be raised from a young age and be totally safe and domesticated. Unfortunately they refuse to listen to good advice from both people who know and from unfortunate incidents with similar animals that wild animals can never be safe and will never be domesticated. People often go for a long time with only minor incidents (at least publically) and this feeds into their mistaken belief that they really have achieved a domestic life with this wild animal. Sadly, the animal almost always pays the ultimate price for this behavior.|||Just as the others have said, any wild animal should be wild. End of story. Regardless of how nice or friendly any animal has been in the past, it's a wild animal for a reason, and will resort to those wild instincts if the situation rises up.

There should be laws against any wild animal being a pet. I love monkeys, they're smart and are my favorite animal, but I wouldn't ever consider owning one as a pet. It isn't right to the monkey or to the community.|||I couldn't watch the entire news report. It bothered me.

I wondered what kind of an idiot would have an adult chimp as a pet.

It's not completely fair to call the chimp savage.

He should have been kept in the wild or a zoo.|||Baby chimp = cute and harmless

200 pound fully grown chimp = ugly and dangerous

The government should not allow people to buy monkeys, any kind of ape, not just chimps.|||That's what happens when people own wild animals as pets. It should NOT be done. I see at least 5 posts a week here on YA of people asking how to obtain pet monkeys! I always try and discourage them from getting such an animal. Wild animals are best left in the wild.|||Chimps look cute but they can be very dangerous and shouldn't be kept as pets. Sooner or later any wild animal will turn on a person for no real reason.

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